Monday, September 3, 2012

What Is the Protein Power Diet?


What Is the Protein Power Diet?

The popularity of low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets is not as high as it was years ago when Protein Power graced the New York Times best-seller list for over a year. However, low-carb, high-protein diets continue to offer weight loss options.
Written by a married couple of MDs, Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, the book promises that you will "feel fit and boost your health -- in just weeks!" The cover includes praise from one of their diet-expert-author competitors, Barry Sears, author of The Zone, who calls their book nothing less than "The Nutritional Primer of the Nineties

What sets Protein Power apart is the wealth of historical information about low-carbohydrate diets and how these have influenced dieters galore, ever since William Banting wrote his Letter on Corpulence in the mid 1800s. The Eades also provide scientific explanations for the functions of insulin and glucagons, the major hormones involved in the food-to-fuel process, along with plenty of encouragement and practical suggestions, such as what to order in a French restaurant or fast food joint.

What You Can Eat on the Protein Power Diet

Those of you who crave steak, eggs, and cheese will have a great time on the Protein Power diet. Vegetarians will not, because tofu is the main source of protein allowed non-meat eaters. And as even the most dedicated know, tofu three times a day can get tiresome.
To determine your daily protein quotient, the authors take you through a series of steps and measurements to determine your body fat and lean body mass, as well as ask you to assess your physical activity level.
You may choose your protein from fish, poultry, red meat, low-fat cheese (cottage cheese, feta, mozzarella, Muenster), eggs, and tofu. If you want to lose a lot of fat (the authors don't say you lose weight, but fat instead) or correct a health problem, you can add only 30 grams of carbohydrate, or less, divided throughout the day. If your need to lose is not so great, you can up that quota to 55 grams per day. Favorite low-carb foods? Lists of low-carb fruits and vegetables are given to make your life easier. These include leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, green beans, asparagus, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, and a surprise fruit that rarely makes the diet sweepstakes: avocado, high in fat, but low in carbs.
Add in 25 grams of fiber (you can subtract the fiber grams from the carbohydrate grams in commercially processed foods, which gives you more carbs to play with), and healthy fats: olive and nut oils, avocado, and butter. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. And a glass of wine or a light beer is OK, but their carbs count, to

Most experts draw the line at 1,200

Most experts draw the line at 1,200 calories as the minimum needed for adequate nutrition, and say that dieters should not dip below this number unless they're under a physician's care.
"Any time you severely lower your calories, it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor to avoid potential complications," says Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD.
American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, agrees that the Medifast diet should be done with the approval or under the supervision of your health care provider. She says has used the program in a doctor's office with diabetic patients with good results.
"This is a solid program, providing a nutritionally complete array of tasty foods and drinks that are ideal for diabetics or anyone who doesn't want to weigh, measure, count calories, or prepare lots of food," says Brown-Riggs.
She also says she thinks Medifast is a great program for anyone who wants a serious, low-calorie diet plan in which all the guesswork has been removed.
O'Neil, author of The Dish on Healthy Eating, suggests that anyone thinking of weight loss surgery try Medifast or another very low-calorie diet plan first.
"Weight loss surgery should be the last resort because even if you have bariatric surgery, afterward you still need to follow a healthy lifestyle, including calorie control and regular physical activity," O'Neil says.
When considering the Medifast diet, dieters should think past the weight loss phase. The real challenge comes when you wean yourself from the meal replacements and have to learn to make healthy decisions about food.
"You can lose weight on the plan because it is so carefully controlled," says Brown-Riggs. "But once you go off the plan, it takes hard work, attention to healthy eating, and regular physical activity to maintain the lost weight."

Medifast Diet Plan: Food for Thought

It doesn't get much easier than the Medifast program, which is probably why it has been around so long. It can be a good plan for someone who needs to lose a substantial amount of weight, and ideally, should be done under a doctor's supervision.
Be prepared for a serious adjustment to very little to eat and drink (other than no-calorie beverages). But if you're serious about losing weight and prepared to change your eating and exercise habits after the weight loss phase, this could be the plan for you.

Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, is director of nutrition for WebMD and the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic. Her opinions and conclusions are her own.

Healthy 'n Tasty Back-to-School Lunches

It’s time to head back to school! Whether it’s you or your children heading back to school, it’s the perfect time to think about planning healthy meals. Healthy meals improve concentration, keep energy levels up and help control weight. 

Read on for ideas, recipes and tips that will mesh with your and your family’s busy lifestyle. So make it a family affair and be healthy together!

Why Pack It? 

• According to the National Restaurant Association, about 60% of people consume a commercially prepared lunch at least once a week and almost 25% consume commercially prepared items five or more times per week! Eating out once a week isn’t so bad, but eating out several times a week can make it hard to stick to a healthy diet.
• Busy people are a marketing target for fast food and chain restaurants – this includes working women and men as well as teenagers. Ignore the marketing, make your own decisions and bring your lunch!
• Bringing your own lunch is a sure fire way to eat healthier – doing so will save you calories, sodium, fat, saturated fat, trans fat and help you add fiber, fruits and vegetables to your diet. 
• In addition to eating healthier, you will also probably get more done! Traveling to and from the restaurant takes time – just think, you could eat and still have time for noontime walk!

“Brown Bagging” Tips - Packing a lunch doesn’t have to be a lot of work!

• Make your lunch when you’re making dinner – if you are already prepping and cooking, why not take of lunch too!
• Buy an insulated lunch carrier to keep foods cold and/or hot. This will help with environment too – no bags to throw away or recycle.
• Balance your lunch with whole grains, fruits and veggies and lean protein.
• Utilize leftovers – save that extra chicken for wraps, sandwiches or salads or bring extra soup in a thermos! 

Lunch Showdown – Look at the Savings!

“Meal Deal” (Fast Food)

• Quarter Pounder with Cheese from McDonald’s
• Medium Fries
• Medium Soda

~1,100 calories

Real Meal Deal (Packed Lunch)

• Turkey breast sandwich (3 ounces) on whole wheat bread with spicy mustard, lettuce and tomato.
• 1 ounce baked chips
• 1 piece fruit
• 1 can diet soda

~550 calories

“Meal Deal” (Fast Food)

• Chipotle Chicken Salad from Carl’s Jr.
• Chocolate chip cookie from Carl’s Jr.

1,230 calories

Real Meal Deal (Packed Lunch)

• 3 ounce grilled chicken breast over mixed greens and veggies with low-fat dressing
• 1 large melon wedge
• 1 small cookie
• Water or unsweetened tea

~570 calories

“Meal Deal” (Fast Food)

• Chicken burrito from Chipotle
• Medium Raspberry Iced-Tea

~1353 calories

Real Meal Deal (Packed Lunch)

• Whole wheat tortilla stuffed with black beans, corn, shredded lettuce, 2 tbsp cheese and salsa
• 1 ounce baked tortilla chips
• Water

~470 calories

Take Advantage Of Fitness Freebies For Students

EDITOR'S NOTE: Please welcome college post-graduate student Kristina Maury to our blooming family of featured bloggers. Kristina, a first-year law student at Harvard will entertain and inform us on keeping fit and eating well while at school.

When you’re paying thousands of dollars a year for college, you want to make sure to take advantage of everything your school has to offer. Most universities allow students to utilize its gym facilities at no cost -- and many offer free or reduced-price group exercise courses too!

You’ll really benefit from a fitness course if you’re new to working out and you don’t know where to begin or if you have a hard time staying motivated (when you see your peers busting their butts, you’ll be more likely to keep up).

Fitness courses are also a great way to meet other students.

I decided to check out a Hatha Yoga fitness class that lasted for an hour and 25 minutes. Hatha Yoga, according to the gym’s course description, helps “the mind, body and spirit come into alignment and unite.” 

Between you and me, I went into the class thinking it would be a breeze. I figured, "how hard can a couple of stretches be?" Boy, was I wrong!

We started off slowly with breathing techniques and light stretching, but by the first half hour I was twisted up like a contortionist, sweating profusely and wondering what I had gotten myself into. 

My favorite part of the course: the end when the instructor turned off the lights, played meditation music and allowed us to drift into “Nirvana.” Nirvana nothing... all I could think about was the pain coursing through my body. 

Tips, Ahoy!

--If you’re doing Yoga or any other form of exercise that requires props (e.g. Yoga mats) be sure to inquire if your school’s gym provides these materials or if you will need to bring your own. 

--Embarrassing yourself is no fun so be sure you’re attending a fitness course that’s catered toward your level of expertise. 

--If you’ve never done Yoga before and you aren’t flexible, go to the gym a bit early to stretch beforehand.

--Clear your head. It’s hard to attain mental enlightenment when all you can think about is your to-do list.

I made the mistake of going to the Yoga class on a Sunday evening before I had even begun my reading and assignments for school on Monday. If you’re like me and you have a hard time clearing your mind, I think you’d get the most benefit from Yoga if you have already made a dent in your to-do list. 

Making the Grades

Hatha Yoga, C+
It made me sweat, but I didn’t achieve peace of mind. 

Group exercise, A+ 
I love the idea of group exercise and I’m definitely going to check out some other class offerings.

ABOUT ME: In undergrad, my idea of exercise included dancing in clubs into the wee hours and walking to and from classes. As for my diet, breakfast consisted of Red Bulls and 3 a.m. IHOP visits, lunch was generally non-existent and pizza was a late-night staple. Now that I'm in grad school, I've come to realize the important roles that health and fitness play when it comes to academic success. I'm no longer "allergic" to sweat and I make an effort to fit the gym into my hectic schedule. Although I'm still no stranger to Red Bull, my new and improved lifestyle is helping me to make the grade.

10 Fast, Flavorful Grab 'n Go Breakfasts

ou may be tempted to skip breakfast, but that’s a shame because of all the wonderful benefits breakfast offers.

And, it couldn’t be easier. I’ll show you how with 10 great grab 'n go breakfasts!

First, examine your breakfast habits: 

How many days out of the week do you eat breakfast? Hopefully your answer is everyday! However, if you skip breakfast frequently, try asking yourself why.

Is it because you are not hungry in the morning or you don’t have time? Or, is it because you think breakfast will make you hungry the rest of the day or because you think it will help you lose weight?

No matter what your reason is for skipping breakfast, there is a solution and yes, it is still important to start your day with a nutritious meal.

Breakfast can be quick, satisfying and tasty with a preparation time of 10 minutes or less.

Second, challenge common excuses for skipping breakfast

• You are not hungry – practice makes perfect! The more you eat breakfast, the more your body will crave it. Also, take a look at your portions the night before. Skipping meals can lead to overeating later in the day leaving you less hungry in the morning.

• Breakfast will make me hungry all day – it is good and normal to be hungry at intervals throughout the day! Ideally, you should try to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your engine humming, prevent cravings and mood swings and improve energy levels.

• Skipping breakfast will help me lose weight – wrong! In fact, a common trait among people who successfully lose weight and keep it off is that they start the day with breakfast!

• I don’t have time – breakfast can be as easy as grabbing a few items and heading out the door. Or, you can prepare something up the night before – try the recipe below for a no-fuss breakfast!

Super Fast Grab-n-Go Breakfast Ideas

• Small whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese and banana

• Whole grain toaster waffle with peanut butter, sliced strawberries and all-fruit jam

• Meal replacement bar and fruit

• Hard boiled egg (boil the night before), whole grain toast & grapes

• String cheese, apple and low-fat granola bar

Healthy Breakfast Picks on the Road
• Jamba Juice Yogurt and Fruit Blend – try a protein or fiber boost (220 calories, 0.5g fat)

• Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie (250 calories, 16 g protein, 5g fiber)

• Starbucks Reduced-Fat Turkey Bacon, Egg and Cheddar Sandwich (350 calories, 11g fat)

• Dunkin' Donuts Smart Menu Egg White Veggie Flatbread Sandwich (290 calories, 9g fat)

• LaBou Creamy Oatmeal Cereal (266-279 calories, 3-8 g fat)

Pack Your Lunch!

 Bring A Lunch And Eat Better 

“Brown-bagging” it for lunch isn’t just for children! Brown bag lunches can be exciting, tasty and easy. Furthermore, you are more likely to eat healthier and save money when you prepare your own lunch. Fuel your body with exciting flavors and nutrients with the following ideas and alternatives.

Brown Bag Basics:• Include “color” by adding fruits or vegetables to your lunch.
• Include a low-fat source of calcium such as light yogurt, low-fat milk or soy milk, low-fat cottage cheese or lower-fat cheese.
• Include a good source of fiber such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, beans, brown rice or whole wheat crackers.
• Skip the sugary beverages.
• Keep portion sizes in check. Use zip-lock snack baggies or buy already portion controlled crackers, cookies and popcorn.
• Utilize left-over items from dinner!
• Brown bag lunches don’t have to come in a paper bag! Try an updated, adult version by using an insulated lunch bag. Keep items chilled with a frozen water bottle or ice pack and carry a thermos for hot items.

Better Brown Bag Options

Instead of:

Croissant with Tuna Salad


Tuna salad made with low-fat mayo on a whole wheat English muffin with shredded carrots, spinach leaves and sliced tomatoes 

Instead of:

BLT on Sourdough


Soy bacon, sliced tomato, thin spread of avocado, leafy green lettuce on whole wheat bread

Instead of:

Store Bought Wrap 


Whole wheat tortilla with hummus, chopped cucumber, chopped tomato, reduced-fat feta cheese, shredded purple cabbage and spinach leaves.

Instead of:



Veggie burger in a whole wheat pita pocket with reduced-fat cheese, spicy mustard or barbeque sauce, lettuce and roasted red peppers

Instead of:

PB&J on White Bread


Natural peanut butter on whole grain toast with sliced bananas and strawberries

Tasty Sides (round out your lunch your lunch with the following ideas):
• Melon balls and grapes
• Low-fat cottage cheese cups
• Low-fat string cheese and fruit
• Unsweetened applesauce cup 
• Light Laughing Cow cheese and 100-Calorie Wheat Thin pack
• Snack size 94% fat free popcorn (choose popcorn without trans fat or “partially hydrogenated oil”) and baby carrots
• Rabbit bag (carrots, cucumbers, red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and celery) with hummus
• Low-fat granola bar
• Apple slices and handful of almonds

Make a pledge to pack your lunch each day this week!

Easter Basket Makeover

What's in Your Easter Basket?

An egg here, a handful there, a little candy at the office – you know how it goes! Just look at how a little Easter candy can add up! 

Keeping candy out of sight and out of mind will help you avoid the temptation. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid all candy -you can still enjoy Easter candy in moderation. Try having a designated candy spot in your house and plan a piece or two into you day. Just as you manage your kid’s candy intake – set the same rules for yourself.

Before you fill the Easter basekts, arm yourself with the info to help you avoid mindless candy munching. Below are some Easter candy facts and don’t forget about tools designed to help you, such as tracking the candy you eat in your tracker and checking the back of packages before you do away with them.

Easter Candy Facts:

• Hershey Easter Kisses: 8 pieces = 210 calories and 12 g fat
• Brach’s Candy Chicks and Rabbits: 6 pieces = 150 calories and 2 g fat
• Brach’s Easter Candy Corns: 26 pieces = 140 calories and 0 g fat
• Cadbury Mini Eggs: 12 pieces = 200 calories and 9 g fat
• Hershey Candy Coated Eggs: 9 pieces = 200 calories and 9 g fat
• Peep’s Marshmallow Chicks: 5 pieces = 160 calories and 2 g fat
• Nestle Milk Chocolate Eggs: 6 pieces = 230 calories, 13 g fat
• Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs: 1 piece = 180 calories and 10 g fat
• Russell Stover Chocolate Bunny: 1 piece = 240 calories and 15 g fat
• Starburst Jelly Beans: 1.5 ounce = 150 calories and 2 g fat
• Sweetarts Eggs: 12 pieces = 60 calories and 2 g fat
• Whoppers Robin Eggs: 8 pieces = 170 calories and 5 g fat

Healthy Easter Basket Ideas:

Instead of reaching for a variety of candy to stuff Easter baskets with, try the following items instead:

• Colorful pencils
• Stickers
• Sugar-free gum
• Tangerines
• Plastic eggs filled with fun trinkets
• Water color paints and coloring sheets
• Candles
• Gift certificates or cards
• Picture frames filled with memorable photos
• Lotions 

Don't forget about organizing an Easter egg hunt to get everyone moving!

Why You NEED Supplements

t’s an ominous warning that affects you and your family: It is IMPOSSIBLE to get the nutrients you need… even when you eat a so-called healthy diet. The problem? Our farm soil is so nutrient-depleted that you MUST TAKE SUPPLEMENTS to feel well, fight disease and make your body function properly.

It’s hard to swallow but the leading cause of disease in America is malnutrition — virtually every American suffers from malnutrition to one degree or another. A chronic shortage of even one nutrient will cause disease, yet studies show that most Americans are malnourished by at least several nutrients.

We’re told that in order to stay healthy you must eat a diet of fresh, whole foods filled with nutrients in the right balance. However, the truth is that given the sorry state of food today, satisfying your nutritional needs can only be accomplished by eating a high-quality diet of unprocessed, fresh, organic, whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables and also taking high-quality supplements.”

“As a result of our nutritional deficiencies, we are experiencing an unprecedented pandemic of chronic and degenerative disease -- including overweight -- that is decreasing our quality of life,” says MIT-trained chemist Raymond Francis, author of Never be Fat Again (HCI).

“This epidemic is both preventable and reversible. We can get the nutrition we need by learning how to eat a good diet and by learning how to select supplements that do what they are supposed to do and are worth what you pay for them.”

One of the biggest myths around: You can get all the nutrients you need by eating a balanced diet. Sadly, that’s next to impossible.

Foods no longer contain the nutrients needed for good health, and you can’t physically eat enough of the “healthy foods” to get the nutrients you need.

A shortage of nutrients sabotages your body’s biochemical balance, stimulates your appetite, keeps you hungry, encourages unwanted pounds and undermines your best efforts to stay healthy.

So what should you take each day?

Experts suggests “as a minimum” most of us should take a multivitamin/mineral formula, extra vitamin C and essential fatty acids every day. Beyond that, you should be supplementing with additional vitamin E, bioflavonoids, calcium, and magnesium.

It wouldn’t hurt for anyone with an active disease to boost intake of nutrients tailored to a specific deficiency. For instance, if you have a chronic disease or are overweight, you should supplement with the antioxidants vitamins C and vitamin E.

The Most Decadent Diet... Ever!

We love food... maybe a little too much. But what if I told you that you can have your chocolate layer cake and eat it too?

It’s true! Best-selling author and popular TV chef, Devin Alexander, has whipped up a hot new cookbook that reveals the savory secret to successful weight loss: EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE!

Thanks to Devin, you no longer have to think of diet as another word for deprivation. Instead, you can lose weight and get in shape while salivating over great-tasting, low-fat foods like bacon cheeseburgers, lasagna with meat sauce, chocolate layer cake and even brownie sundaes!

Starting with a recipe for Sausage Biscuit Sandwich and working her way to Honey Glazed Spiced Pork Tenderloin, Chef Devin takes us on a trip to comfort food heaven in The Most Decadent Diet Ever, her smash follow-up to the highly successful Biggest Loser Cookbook she crafted for the popular TV show.

Devin tells The Most Decadent Diet Ever!is “The Secret” of food.

"When I stopped labeling this food 'bad' and that food 'bad' and me 'bad' for eating something I 'shouldn’t have' and concentrated on what I was actually craving and how to satisfy those cravings, I was finally able to lose weight and keep it off," she says. chief editor John McGran sat down with Chef Devin recently to chew the fat about good eating and healthy living.

JM: So Devin, what was your inspiration for Most Decadent Diet Ever?

DA: After gaining 10 to 15 pounds per year from the time I was 8 to the time I was 15 (weighing about 190 by the time I was 15), I started living this book and lost (and have kept off!) over 55 pounds for over 15 years. I tried dieting for years, but the thought of giving up my favorites FOREVER!was too much for my brain to handle. It would force me to overeat and obsess.

When I realized that I could still have all of the foods I love just as deliciously, as long as I cook them myself, I stopped dieting and lost weight. I wrote this book for others who struggle with weight or with high cholesterol or any other food-related ailments... so they, too, can keep eating the foods they love! 

JM: What do you think are the food issues that doom most diets?

DA: Most diets are really limiting. You can work anything into this plan for life - even alcohol and chocolate! And you don’t have to count calories once you get the hang of the plan. 

Though this book may sound like a fad diet, it’s actually the opposite. It encourages folks to stop dieting and adapt changes that they can live with forever — simple changes like swapping my Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Cups for fatty brownies that truly don’t taste any better! 

JM: I must confess... kitchens scare me. I prefer drive-thrus, deliveries or pick up. So what will I get out of Most Decadent Diet Ever

DA: First John, cooking is like riding a bike. When you start, you don’t have the few pieces of equipment you need, you don’t know that the applesauce is in aisle 7 and you have to read each recipe very carefully. But once you learn a few simple things, it’s easy and ANYONE can do it!

My recipes are exceptionally easy to follow on purpose because I want families making them together. Not only will the whole family enjoy it, people will be setting their children up for healthy lives that don’t rely on eating out.

People don’t realize how much unnecessary fats and oils are used in foods in restaurants. Veggies for burritos and things are often soaked in oil to be kept from drying out, buns for sandwiches (even when you’re being “good” and ordering the grilled chicken sandwich) are slathered with hundreds of calories worth of butter or lard, when you ask for steamed veggies, they often steam them, then toss them in butter or oil and egg white omelets are cooked in a scary amount of butter so they don’t stick to the pan (rarely do restaurants use non-stick). You can eat SO much more food if you cook it yourself. 

JM: But Devin, my spare time is precious. Cooking sounds like work!

DA: By spending 20 minutes in your kitchen, you can save 3 hours on a treadmill! You can still enjoy the flavors you love if you cook them yourself without putting your health at risk or inches on your hips. Also, as a society, we’re plagued with so many food-related illnesses, it’s ridiculous.

As I see it, we don’t have time NOT to cook. Would you rather spend your spare time in your kitchen or at your doctor’s office? There are so many folks with Type 2 diabetes that are spending a ton of time and money on insulin and monitoring their illness. There are tons of folks who are spending a fortune on blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Imagine if some of those folks didn’t have to work so many hours to cover the cost of those prescriptions and the gas getting back and forth to the doctors' offices?

Cooking is fun when you get used to it and you get the results you get from recipes inThe Most Decadent Diet Ever!

JM: OK, I am sold. So will you reveal your favorite recipes from Most Decadent Diet.

DA: This is by far my least favorite question about this book. It varies daily based on what I’m in the mood to eat. I love the Chicken Enchilasagna, I love the Sweet & Slim Italian Sausage (it’s real pork sausage and it’s leaner than any chicken or turkey sausage I’ve ever seen sold in stores), I love the Chocolate Not-Only-In-Your-Dreams Cakes (warm chocolate flourless espresso cakes like the ones you get in restaurants that I used to call, “a heart-attack in a pan” and would always dream about eating).

I seriously love so many of them! At a taste-testing party, everyone went crazy over the Chinese Pepper Steak and I carry the Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Cups almost everywhere I go because with a book like this, I think “Tasting is Believing.” I literally sold this book based on them.

Everyone is always so skeptical about healthy food tasting good. Not only does this taste good, if you serve the dishes in The Most Decadent Diet Ever! to your friends, they won’t believe you that they are healthier. I recently had one of the Producers of “The Biggest Loser” and my manager over for dinner and made only recipes from the book. I had the Editors and P.R. team for Women's Health magazine over for breakfast and made only recipes from the book. The recipes are not only amazing for “diet food”, but they are good enough to impress anyone — even your mother-in-law! 

JM: How did you select the foods in Most Decadent Diet Ever, and do YOU really stay home and cook for yourself using these recipes?

DA: For years, I’ve been adapting my family recipes and recipes that others have sent to me. Many of the dishes in the Most Decadent Diet Ever! are those recipes... and my family now uses my versions instead of the originals, even on holidays. I’m also constantly combing menus at popular chains looking for the most popular dishes. I tackle those often, as well. 

And YES!! I absolutely cook the recipes from the Most Decadent Diet Ever! when I am at home and I miss them and feel like I suffer when I’m on the road which is way too often these days. I love food and I love real-sized portions (I don’t know how to eat 2 bites of anything). When I’m on the road, I have to eat smaller portions of foods that I don’t even enjoy as much or I gain weight. It really frustrates me.

When I’m on the road for a stretch doing appearances, I get excited when I have a few days in a city where I have friends; I often borrow their kitchens and make a couple of meals. I just borrowed my sister’s kitchen in New York City to get a reprieve from eating out. I left her a freezer full of the 
Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Cups and she was so excited. When I stopped at my parent’s lately, I made the Skinny Scampi and the Chicken Enchilasagna, both of which my parents are still talking about. 

JM: You've now covered fast food makeovers and comfort foods -- what's the next food topic to tackle? 

DA: Convenience foods! The recipes in The Most Decadent Diet Ever are extremely decadent, which, in some cases do take a bit of time. But, they are worth every second. The next book will be slightly less decadent (still absolutely delicious), but will really focus on the 5-10 minute recipes. 

JM: What's your personal philosophy on food and dieting?

DA: “Just because it tastes great, doesn’t mean it can’t be good for you!” I say that to close every episode of my show “Healthy Decadence with Devin Alexander” on Discovery Health and FitTv. And I believe it with every ounce of my being. 

I’m not a tofu and carrot stick chef and I use “real” ingredients. Food is an art to me. Nothing frustrates me more than watching a “healthy chef” say that they’re going to make-over “my” favorite food then use turkey legs to make “pulled pork” (the leanest cut of pork is leaner than turkey legs!) or stuff a burger full of mushrooms or to have someone tell me that they’re making “me” a bacon cheeseburger then stack a veggie burger with a piece of fat free cheese, a couple pieces of turkey bacon and some fat free mayo and tell me I’ll love it.

I had an ex-boyfriend who wouldn’t let me watching cooking shows before bed because he said I got too riled up. He said I was worse than watching a guy watching a football game (I did yell at the TV). I recently picked up a "healthy" cookbook and the woman who wrote it said she started making over recipes because she took her favorite so-called low-fat baked goods to a lab to get them tested because they tasted “too good” to be low fat. She said that the lab proved that she was right, so she was writing the book because she is obsessed with food. I believe without a doubt that she would be compelled to take every one of my dishes to a lab to have them analyzed then she would take them back for a second and maybe even third opinion because they cut tons of fat and calories and are amazing.

There is no such thing, in my view, as too good to be healthy. My team and I work almost obsessively on recipes until they are good enough to serve to my most important guests and then we put them in my books and not one second before.